Some other bits and pieces from Lathril’s adventures in SWTOR. Kira is based on an NPC of the same name from the Jedi Knight class story. The way Lathril meets her, and her personality, is a little different from how it is in the game.
Author’s Note
“That is reckless,” Lathril said sternly. He said it quietly, for the Imperials were patrolling just outside the blast door. The two Jedi were crouched in a Balmora bunker, their breathing loud in their ears, the green of the indicator lights above the door bathing their faces in a pallid hue. Still, he could make out Kira’s scowl.
“It’s not a sound idea, Padawan,” he continued. “The Jedi Code teaches us to –”
“Hang the Jedi Code!” Kira hissed. “If we did this your way, we won’t make it to the engine room in time. Isn’t it important the SIS get that tech ASAP?”
The pair glared at each other.
“As I am the higher rank, I’m making the decision,” said Lathril finally.
Kira scoffed. “Oh, rank…”
“Your own Master gave me leadership. Do you not trust her judgement?”
Kira backed down. “Fine. We’ll do this your way: the slow, coward’s way.”
“At least a coward can become brave another day,” Lathril returned. “A reckless hero is simply dead.”
“My Master said you were in charge, not that you could give me lectures. So where to now, O Knight?”
“…this way, as I said.” Continue reading “Coming By It Honestly”