Today I wanted to paint a Rosen. So I did.
Magic, Myth, and Occasional Mayhem
Apparently Evelos gets his jawline and nose from Tyrdan, not his mom and dad…
Today, in preparation for the next chapter of the Trials comic, I did a little character study for each of its three main characters, and also Tyrdan, who is part of the family but may not feature very much in the comic’s story. This was necessary to help give each character a more characteristic look and feel, with shorthand notes for me so I could draw them more quickly and consistently.
Here they are! With their mouths in the characteristic positions: Keelath is frowning, Tyrdan is smirking, and Mirium’s mouth is open because apparently I draw her talking a lot. Continue reading “Character Study: Trials”
This was a second attempt at taking a line drawing of a griffin and coloring it in. Continue reading “Chasing the Sun”
This was the second painting inspired by the headcanon that Argonians may paint or carve religious symbols depicting their shamans as having multiple animal parts, or “spirits”. Continue reading “The Lizard and the Snake”
Since I discovered the page break function, I’m now able to condense all these comic pages down to one post! And yikes. Old art is always a little embarrassing, even if it’s only from a couple years ago and not ten…
You can now use the buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate (instead of the sidebar as stated in the image captions). Everything else I have preserved as it was in the original posts.
Author’s Note
There aren’t enough dwarves in the World of Warcraft, particularly female dwarves, so I drew one! Continue reading “Daughter of the Mountain”