Homily of the Pilgrim
“If I did not have toes, I would not have toes to stub.” He looked down at the offending toes. “I am sorry, but you are causing me pain, and therefore you must go, so I will no longer be troubled by you.”
Magic, Myth, and Occasional Mayhem
“If I did not have toes, I would not have toes to stub.” He looked down at the offending toes. “I am sorry, but you are causing me pain, and therefore you must go, so I will no longer be troubled by you.”
Dorvon was born with a harelip, a wandering eye, and a curious disregard for the rules. As time went on and the boy aged, it became clear that his flaws were not from a lack of discipline or disregard for his fellow mer. Dorvon’s defects ran deeper.
See if you can guess the disorder.
Author’s Note
Dorvon was born with a harelip, a wandering eye, and a curious disregard for the rules. As time went on and the boy aged, it became clear that his flaws were not from a lack of discipline or disregard for his fellow mer. Dorvon’s defects ran deeper.
I was a tollmer for the Indoril Ilvi at the time, and made my service to my lord by overseeing the flow of trade up and down the Thirr River. Dorvon’s esteemed parents, also of Indoril Ilvi’s retinue, were my direct superiors, and though they followed protocol and kept a careful separation between clan and community for most hours of the day, my relation to them was more familial than anything. I was often invited to their courts and retreats, even allowed to sample some of the blessed goya from their meticulously kept up stores whenever the other guests were seen out for the night. I brushed shoulders with mer many ranks higher than I was, and if not for their careful ignorance of my presence, I could almost believe myself to be one of them.
Dorvon was a part of this tapestry of life, though despite only being but the one thread, the zig-zagging bright colors of his walk outshone the more conscientious threads of his parents to consternation of all. I recall painfully the event in which he lost his privileged attendance of this family’s social calls, whereby he pummeled one of the visiting ladies for wearing a floral perfume deemed too offensive and unnatural to his sensitive nose. All such scents have been removed from Dorvon’s chambers, and Dorvon has been removed from all such events that may see them in attendance–which encompasses them all.
Instead, Dorvon was accorded the rights to roam the garden and the docks that were part of my duty. Though he often scuttled under the large packguars, tickling their chins with his mop of untidy red hair, and tripped over the toes of the slaves, making them bellow and quarrel, he was apart from this world. Some days I would find him spinning away, his mismatched eyes uplifted, harelipped face beaming with some light only he could see, and often in the direct path of a crane’s swing. He could also momentarily be amused by the coiling of rope, but if he were assigned to the same jetty as my other workers, my desk would invariably be filled with the complaints of the peculiar mer of Row Twelve who could not abide the coil to be an inch out of place, even if that meant to throw the line so that the Accorder’s ship could be made fast and secure.
He was less of a nuisance in the garden, though his fastidiousness, no doubt inherited from his mother, served him in ample stead there, as well. The borders to the flowerbeds were forever kept perfectly symmetrical, though at what times this feat was managed remained shrouded in mystery. Most days I’d find Dorvon drawing designs with his fingers in the fountain, preoccupied with the water’s chatter for hours on end, and he would pitch a screaming fit if anyone tried to drag him away to such sensible activities as dinner, chores, or prayer.
The boy could not speak, and I did not press him; I am loathe to say most of the time my hours were taken up with my duty, and conversation would have been a rare treat if it had been possible at all. We managed with a kind of language of signs and gestures between us, and though Dorvon was clearly deficient in the articulate department, his insights to the world were my treasure. It was he who brought me the crab shells washed up on the banks so I could marvel at their symmetry, and he who would bring me invasive plants he had found in the garden, until I could not distinguish between weed and flower and saw that they were all good. He had a particular predilection for the fire orchids, an obsession which will send his parents into fits to this day.
The Velothi would talk poorly of him, of course. Some made jest of the boy; others adopted a more agreeable and forgiving manner. The most blasphemous, which I believe bore Ashlander blood, suggested several times that he be given to Molag Bal as is right and proper for the deformed. Dorvon’s parents paid it little mind, sweeping the rumors, as well as most of the other fruits of Dorvon’s antics, under the rug or out into the garden.
This served them up until the Lay Elder and his council arrived for their tri-annual deliberations. Along with his other duties, it has always been the Lay Elder’s business to declare the future walks of all those Indoril born, and now it had come to be Dorvon’s time.
Though many will tell you that the Lay Elder makes his divinations through prayer and holy incantations, my experiences with the man were of a much more practical nature. He questioned me on the boy’s skills as well as his escapades in a most precise and business-like manner. I did not think he would think much of the boy, and the household was all frowns as he retired to his chambers to connect with the Tribunal and make his final pronouncement as to what would be the boy’s fate.
Being unable to bear the stuffy atmosphere, I went for a walk. I found Dorvon’s father sitting on the ornamental wall in the garden. This alone was a breach of the invisible code of an Indoril retainer’s proper behavior, and that his head remained in his hands even as he heard my footsteps was clue enough that something was deeply amiss. I broke faith myself to kneel beside him.
“I fear he is to be slain,” said he. “They do not call it by its name anymore, but all know the Schemer’s influence is still felt in the Temple. Little Dorvon is clearly impure, a threat to my bloodline.”
“I believe Molag Bal’s purpose is to test instead of to guide,” I admonished him. “We are given this life to improve upon ourselves, and those ways are not always clear until the crucible’s fires burn hot up to our eyes.”
Dorvon’s father did not speak, his eyes drawn instead to what had recently been a row of fire orchids, now a silent testament to the power of a strange little mer’s notions of proper flower arrangement. The tears brimmed over, but still the mer did not speak.
“He loves the fire orchids,” I said as a means of both explanation and distraction.
“He does.” My hopeful attempt went unrewarded. My lord’s hand drifted to the prayer beads at his throat, silently sliding them along their string as he wet his face.
“But he cannot abide the ones with an off scent,” I continued. “Perhaps that is the Daedroth’s lesson.”
I had no more honor to give him, and so I left the garden to return to my duties at the docks. Affairs there were much more orderly than was normal, and it took me a few hours’ absent thought to realize the cause lay in the absence of the whirling dancer and his insight into a world that is not our own.
I do not like to remember the next few days and their pain, and besides, I write in anonymity so that my lord’s name may be preserved in all honors throughout the ages. I will say that, whenever you visit his residence today, all manner of flowers decorate its insides. Of particular note are the fire orchids, and even if some of them are strewn across the floor with their roots and enclosing dirt attached, they are among the best tended in the Thirr Valley. The perfume derived from them brings many honors and riches to our House, and I oversee such shipments every Morndas with great pleasure.
Their secret lies in how the perfume’s orchids are allowed–or not allowed–to grow. For as the Daedra are our testers by pruning our hideous growths and nurturing our essence, so the young hands with the questing eye and fastidious nose are the best at earthly weeding.
First, new site. Yay! If you read my first post on here, you already know what this is all about!
Second, new story. Yay! I finished a new story today! At 20k words, it probably falls into the category of novella. Just like Hottest Day, I hope to increase this word count to 75k so it can be qualified as a bonafide novel, though that will take some time. I plan to send this around to publications that accept novellas in the meanwhile, to accrue a little more author’s credit under my belt until my big one strikes.
Like many of my longer stories, it was inspired by roleplay sessions, this time from World of Warcraft. In those sessions, an elf character and a human character fell in love despite the wishes of the elf’s conniving uncle. This is pretty standard fare for roleplay and Warcraft fanfiction, so I went bigger.
In my story, twenty years have gone be, and the elf and the human have indeed married and had themselves a kiddo. Yet, the warring between human- and elf-kind have heated up so much the elf was slain, and the human was forced to give up said kiddo to the conniving uncle, who promised to keep her safe as she grew up. The kiddo had other ideas (as kiddos always do), and sets forth with the intent of discovering the true history of her family and to stop the war–much to the displeasure of the uncle. There are some other twists and turns in there (they are obligatory where this particular uncle is concerned), but that is the gist.
To tie in better to the storylines and world of Hottest Day, yes, the Shadow plays a role in the story, and the akor’mari are mentioned, but I also brought in the Light, and the elf-flavored race of the day are the wuyon’mari, a Light-aligned posh society based in the northern Shey Lands.
Unfortunately, I haven’t come up with a name for this story except the working title of “The Half-Blood”. (This is better than usual, as most of the stories in my writing file are named after their main characters.) If anyone has an idea of what to call this story, please leave a comment below about what you think!
Speaking of Hottest Day, I have gotten my third rejection for this novel. I am not letting this live me down and am still in the process of sending it out. No news is sad news, but I will continue until I get good news, or make my own!
February also brings with it an experiment. I am edging into the business of selling used books on Amazon. Currently these books are just out of my (and my family’s) collection, but I eventually intend to become a book hawker and go around scrounging unwanted books to add to my inventory. To sharpen my accounting and business skills, I am going to experiment in doing the same in World of Warcraft’s economy.
I have rolled up a new character on a new server, and given her 2 gold to start her Auction House empire with. This isn’t a lot, but then, I’m not starting with a lot either! After a few months of playing the Auction House and recording my doings, I will go over the data and see what worked and what didn’t.
Other than that, anything goes, and I will let you know how it goes…
Due to some recent controversy over Patreon, as well as the desire to have better control over my own creative work in general, I have decided to open up a new blog under my own name. (Yay!) Unfortunately, as Patreon is still one of the places I send prospective publishers to preview my work, my account will remain open there a little longer. (Aw.) This said, I plan to differently arrange how I do payments, access, and sharing.
Though this may change as I figure out the whole blog thing, below are my plans for tying my various internet haunts together.
Reddit: Fiction based on the Elder Scrolls universe will often appear here, in a little place we call /teslore/. Be warned: it’s a jungle out there.
Patreon: Though I am still considering this, most of my work will be pulled off Patreon at this point. At the very least I will move off of a subscription based model: I’ve never been fan of pay-gating anything, and I will instead add donation buttons to my blog here for those of you who are thus inclined.
DeviantArt: Yes, I also art! Any illustrations will be cross-posted to DeviantArt.
I don’t believe in paywalls. Everything on this blog will be free to peruse. (Which I will note, is much different than USE–please contact me if you wish to USE anything on this blog, including the images and the writing!) I will of course always accept donations. If you don’t wish to spend your hard-earned cash or otherwise can’t afford it, please instead consider spreading the word and sharing any posts or shorts that you like with your friends!