RPG Teaser: The Akor’mari

Akor’mari (singular: akor’mar) are the cave-dwellers of the ‘mar races, and can be found in most inhabitable parts of the underground Reaches. On the Surface, they are rare… This is to the relief of most other races, who throughout history have suffered the attacks of the akor’mari and term them one of the greatest evils of the known world.

This is a teaser for one of the races being added by the new RPG setting I will be putting out later this year (2019). Being only a preview, some details may change upon publication. Continue reading “RPG Teaser: The Akor’mari”

I Scored!

Though I am still waiting back on the verdict from the latest publisher I am trying Hottest Day on, I have another squee to share in the meantime. I have been extended a contract to start work on some RPG supplements to be posted later this year on DriveThruRPG!

If you haven’t heard of them, DriveThruRPG is a website specializing in posting supplements for RPG systems like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and Vampire: The Masquerade. Both official rulebooks and supplements as well as those written by third party professionals can be found here. Though there is some self-interest in my suggesting you go poke at the site, it’s also a nifty place to find inspiration for your next RPG adventure.

We are also looking at getting it posted onto Open Gaming Store. Open Gaming Store is similar to DriveThruRPG, though its audience is slightly smaller and does not carry some of the bigger-name brands. That said, many of their indie rule sets are still compatible with Pathfinder, 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, and other popular game systems.

Finally, if we can figure out Amazon’s archaic rules, a hardcopy (as in literal book!) will be released there, as well.

I am treating this as my first big break into the industry and am really quite excited! The world of my novels-in-the-making will soon be available to play with your favorite RPG system! To give you a teaser (and there is self-interest in this preview as well), I’ll be posting the descriptions of the akor’mari race (as the race featured in Hottest Day...whenever that sees the light of day) as well as some locations from the island of Avaliet. Enjoy!

The Purpose of the Corkbulb

Even the term “corkbulb” would have one thinking it is what it sounds like: a root made of a cork-like substance, that could assumably be used in place of wood. Alas, it is not quite so, and the uses of this fine root in Morrowind are often mistaken by horticultural novices.

This is a sister post to “The Origin of the Ash Yam” and written by the same in-world character, Cantur Caelmoryn, who may yet find his way into other texts of mine in the future. The inspiration for this post is a pet peeve of mine on the level of the Alot. Continue reading “The Purpose of the Corkbulb”

A Day in the Life of Testy

Write down report: someone should really tell Zaurac not to bang his head on chairs.

You need to be a little punch-drunk to test quest coding, I think. This story was inspired by my attempts–and failures–to get chairs to magically float in a tavern for a Tamriel Rebuilt quest. Some of the jokes are references to the world or to the quirks of the Morrowind Construction Set. Can you decipher them all? Continue reading “A Day in the Life of Testy”

What’s Up with the Hlaalu-Dres Alliance?

Cross-posted from my Tamriel Rebuilt blog. The original post was put up on August 25th, 2018.

Author’s Note

I write this as an answer to a startling twist that the story of Morrowind’s Great Houses took in the canon writings after Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (TES3). Continue reading “What’s Up with the Hlaalu-Dres Alliance?”

If You Don’t Know About It, It’s Easy to Overlook

Cross-posted from my Tamriel Rebuilt blog, which originally hosted this article on June 26th, 2018.

Author’s Note

This will probably turn more into a ramble than a blog post. This is in answer to criticisms of why Tamriel Rebuilt (TR) has chosen to ignore most of the lore from Elder Scrolls: Online (ESO)and an explanation to why some folks still vehemently dislike ESO, from my personal point of view. Continue reading “If You Don’t Know About It, It’s Easy to Overlook”

The Rise of Keelath

I remember nothing. This was my first thought.

This short was written from the point of view of my death knight character in World of Warcraft. It’s a little bloody because, well, death knight! (I’d roughly rate it as PG-13.) Continue reading “The Rise of Keelath”

Cross-Posts from Tamriel Rebuilt

Whew! Today I worked long and hard transferring all of my past lore posts for Tamriel Rebuilt onto this blog. There are still a few missing that I will get back to in due time, but in the meantime, enjoy!

If you would like to discuss the lore, please, leave a comment! You can also follow me on Reddit, where I post my favorite Elder Scrolls shorts as I make them. And, of course, if you wish to know why I write so many of these, please check out the longstanding province mod Tamriel Rebuilt, which is available on Nexus for download and play.