Keelath and Sky Darkener

A blood elf death knight and his black dragonhawk, in profile.

When I get better at backgrounds, I’ll probably come back to this one and add something behind them. In the meantime, here is a painting of Keelath and his dragonhawk, Sky Darkener. It’s another hybrid, where the lines are done like I would a comic’s, and then the coloring is put in with a watercolor brush.

As always, you can click on the picture for a bigger image–and I hope you do! It’s better that way!

How to Improve Warcraft Crafting

I can’t comprehend how some of these things passed testing because basic math…? But at any rate, we’re going to be constructive here, so here’s some ideas to correct the problems with crafting.

Background of This Article

Every so often I’ve been known to post suggestions for improved gameplay on the official World of Warcraft forums. While I have some downtime in light of the coronavirus epidemic (don’t worry, I’m more than safe where I’m at, just stuck at home for a while!), I decided to repost a few of these on my blog here. Continue reading “How to Improve Warcraft Crafting”

Deleted Scene: Another Reunion

I’ll be the first to admit that the plot line between Keelath and Mirium is a bit of a mess. Keelath’s characterization of being a cold, unemotional death knight is pretty inconsistent at times, and I have to be careful to not overdo the kissy-kissy scenes, which irritate me personally and, I’m sure, my readers as well.

This was an earlier attempt at a reunion for the couple, which would have taken place sometime between Evelos being cleansed of the n’raqi and the faction war picking up again in Darkshore. I decided ultimately to do away with it, as it seemed too easily resolved at the time, and closed off an alternate storyline that was picking up between Mirium and Tyrric and his wife.

I still like it and post it however, for it shows a more determined side of Mirium that we don’t get much of while she’s struggling with trauma and some minor N’Zoth corruption, as well as keeping the contrast strong between Evelos and Keelath: a sensitive son vs. a relatively insensitive father. This is Mirium at her best, and an iconic interplay between all three characters. Continue reading “Deleted Scene: Another Reunion”