(I didn’t mean it quite in THAT way…)
General Submission Guidelines
Currently, we are looking for content that directly pertains to the upcoming FoxFireFiction setting: Talmenor! This is a sword-and-sorcery fantasy setting, along the lines of Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Lord of the Rings, or Game of Thrones. You may either send a pre-existing piece to us to be converted into this setting or send us a query at contactus@foxfirefiction.com to get to know our lore better. (If you send us a pre-existing story, please ensure you still have the piece’s publishing rights.) We are especially interested in new authors or writers who would like to establish a long-term relationship with us.
We are interested in short stories, novels, novellas, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories, and tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) supplements, scenarios, and campaigns. We also take articles to do with the TTRPG and computer roleplaying game (C-RPG) space, such as guides, news, satire, and commentary, either on our works or other settings and fandoms. Our pay rate is 2 cents a word for material under 30k words in length, negotiable for longer works.
Content Rating:
We prefer content that would be rated PG-13 and below. For those of you who do not live in the USA with our films rating system, that means no explicit sexual content or heavy gore. Limited swearing is okay. When in doubt, write something you would be comfortable with your teenager reading.
No modern-day politics, including identity politics!
This isn’t an embargo on writing minority characters by any means, only that we do not believe in quotas or tokenization here at FoxFireFiction; your character(s) should feel like a natural and believable part of the setting they are in. Cultures, characters, themes, plotlines, and any other content found in FoxFireFiction’s works are not a direct analog of any real-life entity and should not be taken as such.
When painting, we’re told to paint what is actually there, not what our brain is trying to tell us is there. Once we understand the rules of shape, line, color, form, reflection — only then can we break them.
Writing is much the same. Writing politically encourages us to only write about what we think (or wish) was there, instead of what truly is. Trying to write message fiction quickly becomes an exercise in writing caricatures instead of truly understanding these deeply complex issues, and in our experience, is the fastest way to turn your writing both preachy and hollow. The art that sticks with us, even if it wild and strange and set in a world where magic is real, has its finger on the pulse of something True.
If you must bring real world politics into your writing, focus on the pursuit of truth, with all its bumps and warts and the inconvenient realities you’d rather not see, not on whether you’re right. And if you learn something through this pursuit, even end up changing your opinions — even better. That means you’re on to something.
A. Broadhead
File Type(s):
.doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf accepted. You may also put your work directly in the body of your email if you are submitting under 5,000 words.
No PDFS, please!
Submit to:
Still interested? Excellent! Please send all submissions to: submissions@foxfirefiction.com