The imp — or rather, the cat — said nothing as Seryth helped the gnome catch some rats. When the gnome threw the rats into a box and said something shipping them to his brother for dinner, Seryth conveniently remembered he had somewhere to be in Loch Modan, and left the Deeprun Tram.
The cat continued to follow him like a silent shadow as he walked through Ironforge. The tunnels seemed considerably smaller now than they had when he was a kid.
The gryphon master was uninterested in lending him a gryphon, and so Seryth hired out a dwarven riding ram instead. The beast snorted as he stepped it down onto the snowy cobbles of Dun Morogh. He looked back and saw the cat still standing behind him, watching.
Seryth sighed. “Oh, fine! Come along if you want, but don’t cause any trouble for me.”
The cat bared its fangs, and leaped onto the ram’s hind end, changing into an imp in midair. The ram bawled and bucked and bolted, and for a while, it was all Seryth could do to hang on.
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