Da Doctas Tour


Da Doctas Tour runs up the ramp to Zul'Gurub in Northern Stranglethorn

We approached the city of Zul’Gurub. No one challenged us. I’m told the Gurubashi trolls had been as good as wiped out in not one, but two, raids on their city.

Da Doctas Tour pauses at the entrance to Zul'Gurub in Northern Stranglethorn


A Gurubashi troll talks to Da Doctas Tour as they rest at the entrance to Zul'Gurub in Northern Stranglethorn

We were met by a friendly Gurubashi troll outside of Zul’Gurub, who kept us from entering the city, but told us more about the site’s history and why she had ended up joining the Horde in the end. I understand not all Gurubashi have done this.

Da Doctas Tour leaves Zul'Gurub in Northern Stranglethorn

The troll then led us on through the jungle.

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