Since I discovered the page break function, I’m now able to condense all these comic pages down to one post! And yikes. Old art is always a little embarrassing, even if it’s only from a couple years ago and not ten…
You can now use the buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate (instead of the sidebar as stated in the image captions). Everything else I have preserved as it was in the original posts.
Author’s Note

Thus begins the web comic version of Trials, a short story following Evelos as he comes of age and learns just how different he is from his father, Keelath. Some modifications will be made to account both for the different style of story-telling presented by web comics, as well as alterations to details of its lore so this can belong in my original world of Talmenor instead of being a fanfiction about World of Warcraft. Which means, once this is finished, I could sell it officially either through a comics publisher or through my own store!
Other tidbits: The color of Evelos’ charger here is what they call a liver chestnut. I started with giving the reins and bridles tassles reminiscent of those you see on Arabian tack, but it got to be too much detail for a repeat character.
Mirium: What are you doing?!
*(For those who can’t read my atrocious handwriting.)
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